Life update. lol. I'm the world's worst blogger... I know.

I know, I'm terrible at this. It's been a while. A lot has happened since November...  Hmm.. How do I organize this? I know..

Empire State of Mind..... NEW YORKKKK... 

New York was good. It wasn't great, but I enjoyed my time away. My friend and I discovered parts of New York that we've never seen before. I forgot the name; however, it was the Queen Street of New York (I'm from Toronto btw). I love Queen Street; lovely vintage stores, chilled people, really artsy fartsy (love artsy fartsy). If I move back to Toronto (after my adventure in South Korea and wherever else my curiosity takes me), I would love to live around Queen Street West area. I really like the people. Same goes for  that area in New York; I really hope I remember the name. It was really unique and the people were very welcoming; not your typical New York. The unpleasant part was not having enough funds to do all of what I wanted to do and having family drama. I'm not going to get into either. Anywho, New York will always be there and my family situation is resolved, so all is well. :)


Hmm.. Christmas was filled with Family, Family and more.... Family. I enjoyed every bit of it. :)

New Years............

First I want to recap 2010. It’s not in any particular order. Just significant events that I remembered...

*Missed out on my study abroad adventure to Aussie. I did not save/or come up with enough funds.
*Mother had surgery; scared the sh*t out of me. She's healthy now, but it was scary at the time.
*BEST SUMMER EVER! Never partied that hard before, I had so much fun... I was extremely self-absorbed this summer; I did what I wanted, when I wanted and I enjoyed every second of it. ***Sorry to all of the people I neglected, but I really needed some Vee time***
*Heartbreak.... First and probably won't be the last, but I won't change anything that happened.
*Friendships were put to the test (we passed! love you guys)
*South Korea; Job opportunities came and went, and now EPIK stuck around... *I will update you on this at the end*
*My good/bad habit that I love.... *sigh* I will miss you. lol. I’m afraid I will incriminate myself, so I’m not going to name what it is I did.. My friends will understand this.

2010 was a year of discoveries; I learned SOOOOOO much about myself. It was filled with heartaches, heartbreaks, GREAT TIMES, bad/sad/mad/ times, and a lot more that I can't explain with words. I won't change a thing. 2011 you have some big shoes to fill.

New Years Day!

Happy New Years Everyone!!! 

New Years was fun. I spent the night with my friends. It was filled with wayyyyy too much alcohol, a split lip from dancing too wild, drama, tears, and then we all passed out. lol. One for the books.

What’s happening now?

I just handed in my resignation letter for my job of seven years... seven years! This is my first job; it was so scary submitting that letter. *Sigh* There goes my safety net. I’ve had other jobs after this one, but none can compare. The people are amazing, the money is good, the benefits are great and management team is fun. What more can one ask for?

But, let me back track.

I work for EPIK! I’ll be working in Busan, South Korea.... well, if all goes well with my E2 Visa. Busan!!!!!!!!!!! My first choice!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so excited, can you tell? Lol. My friend (Korean guy), said Busan is the Miami of South Korea... doesn’t say much to me since I’ve never been to Miami, but I’m guessing it’s a good thing. All of my friends are planning on visiting me, but we’ll see if this actually happens. I received my contract last Monday, went to the consulate on Wednesday and hope to get my visa by this Thursday. I will purchase my ticket as soon as I have my visa in my hand. I can’t believe this is actually happening. I’ve been planning this adventure long before I graduated from university (2007), so for it to finally be happening is surreal. My friends are sad, but I’m emotionless. It doesn’t seem real, I don’t know how to explain it. I’m just blah... I guess as my departure date gets closer this will change, we’ll see.


I am TESOL certified!!! My final grade was 94 (A); I passed with distinction! lol. It really wasn’t difficult, jut time consuming. But, I’m very happy I finished it, now I will receive the pay raise. SWEETT!!!!

So That’s it. The past 2 months fast tracked.


I bought a new camera! Well, used camera, but it’s new to me. It’s a Sony Cybershot DSCTX7. I love it. It’s stylish and slim, the picture quality is great and the videos will be in HD. I can’t travel to a new country and begin a new adventure sans camera, therefore, I did what I always do when I have to purchase something.... I checked on Kijiji and as usual, it came through. The price was great and the camera well kept. I am very happy. I’ll start taking pictures soon.

Well that’s it. I’ll keep you posted.  

Take Care,
