To TESOL or not to TESOL...................

I am having the laziest of lazy days....

I went to bed at 4:30 a.m. (I was updating my iPod and watching a bunch of random crap on YouTube), but still wanted to wake up a decent hour, maybe 11... or 12.. maybe even 1 (Shut up, it's my day off; I can stay in bed all day). However, I had shit to do, so 1 the latest. My plan was to resume my TESOL (Teaching English to Students of Other Languages) course and practice my Hangul (Korean Alphabet). That plan quickly went out the window when my alarm went off at 11 and the snooze button became my friend. After pressing snooze for the 3rd time, I turned off my alarm altogether and figured it's my day off, so when I wake up, I wake up... I was in bed until 3:30... 3 effing 30. I only got out of bed because my phone kept going off (BBM is the devil). It's now 1:30 am and I haven't signed on to the TESOL site nor did I go over any of Korean letters. Sigh. Laziest of lazy days.

When I was doing my interview with EPIK, the interviewer suggested I get my TESOL certificate, therefore, when I start teaching I'll know how to create lesson plans and have an idea of how to be an effective teacher. It's not a requirement for me to have it (I think I know how to be an effective teacher and I can Google how to create lessons), but I told her I would look into it when I had no intentions to so. I only said I would because I wanted to pass my interview; I wanted to seem flexible, so I said whatever I thought she wanted to hear... I was told that EPIK will let me know if I passed the interview 2 to 3 days later and after day 4 of not hearing from them I panicked and signed up for TESOL. Right after I paid for my course, my recruiter called me and told me I passed my interview. So now I'm stuck. I don't want to waste my money, and If I do finish the course by Jan 20th (I think that's the date) I can get a pay raise, so here I am. It's November 19th and I'm only on Unit 7 of 48. =S  I'm slacking. I'm heading to New York next week, so that means less time to work on this... I hope I get it done before the due date, if not I'm an idiot and you're allowed to slap me... (Kidding! Keep your hands to yourself!)

On another note, I've been having a shitty day, well night.... I slept through the day. I got upset at my friend and I think my computer is about to kick the bucket.

Friend Issue: Don't really want to talk about it. It's not worth it. However, I'm too much of a giver and all others do is take, take, take. That's done starting today. I'm going to selfish and put me first. :) Problem solved.

Computer Issue: Me. I'm a klutz. lol! I spilled juice on the keyboard. It's working fine; if I don't need to use the numbers five and six. lol! Nevertheless, it has been through a lot. It was with me through my university years, maybe it's time for it to retire. I love it though. It's so cute; it is the 12 inches HP Tablet (I don't know which series). *Sigh*


Hopefully tomorrow (today) is a better day; productive and selfish.


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